Monday, June 3, 2013

2013 Parade Forms and Info

*** It has just come to our attention that the Utah Department of Transportation has decided at this late date that our waiver form is not to their liking.  Instead, they have given us a new form which must be used and replaces the one previously used with the rest of the applications, rules and parade route information.


The Theme of this year is "With Joy, Wend Your Way."  Individuals, families and groups are invited to submit their entry forms with waivers to parade chairmen Dave and Joanne Sutherland prior to July 9, 2013 for inclusion in this year's parade.  


Parade Instructions, entry forms, waiver, and the parade route are below.


*If your business would like to enter the parade, go to the Mapleton City Offices to pick up entry forms.



Parade Instructions

Parade Waiver

Parade Route